7 Tips for Beginner Pool Players

7 Tips for Beginner Pool Players

7 Tips for Beginner Pool Players 

The pool is a sport just like any other. 

This means that a pool player is also an athlete in his or her way. Deep concentration, good hand-to-eye coordination, and great fine-control motor skills are some of the most important qualities you need to play pool like a professional.

Most top pool players have remarkable confidence, extreme focus, and total dedication. When it comes down to it, they simply love to win. If you are a competitive player, nothing can come in the way of your success and ultimate victory - as long as you put in the effort.

From keeping a sound mind through your games to putting in the hours every week, playing pool requires a certain level of dedication, desire, and motivation to grow as a player.

Much like a game of chess or poker, playing pool is a very cerebral sport - it urges your brain to think in unique and tactical ways. This can enable you to visualize your game and keep one step ahead of your opponents.

In this article, we would like to spotlight some of the key elements of playing pool like a pro:

Form is King

Even the best of players has bad days and embarrassing losses at any game or sport. Most often, however, the culprit is bad form. Most players don’t pay much attention to their form, but the fact remains that proper form is your most reliable friend in the game of pool. 

Following simple rules like correcting posture, keeping your neck straight and firm can affect how you take a shot and reduce the probability of simple mistakes.

The proper form has a lot to do with how accurately you can aim and your visual perception of where the ball will go. When focusing on your form, make sure your bridge hand is placed properly so that your pool cue can strike the ball just the way you want it to, with efficiency, grace, and ease.

When you have control over your form, you can control your game and its outcome.  

Stay Cool

A calm mind can achieve anything. When you stay relaxed between and during shots, you can think clearer, make sound decisions, and avoid flaws caused by distractions.

Stress and tension can cloud your judgment. While playing pool, you want to focus to the best of your ability and pot those balls as effortlessly as possible.

Make sure you are in your comfort zone while playing pool. Don’t let your opponent get into your head. Forget about your problems, stay cool, and do what you do best – play pool.

Don’t Give Up

Making mistakes is normal, both in life and in sport. The problem is not making a mistake but letting that mistake bring your motivation and focus down. While playing pool, there’s only so much you can predict and control. The rest of it is luck, timing, and the table.

When your shot misses the mark, or you find yourself in a tough spot with no clear vision of what’s going to happen next, don’t give up. Allow yourself one mistake, cut yourself some slack, pick up from where you left off, and work toward your next move.

Focus on your angles and breaks, and don’t let your weaknesses come in the way of your game.

Examine the Bigger Picture

While playing chess, players take their own sweet time before making their move. Usually, they look at the whole board, figure out what options they have, and determine which way their game could go depending on what moves they intend to make. Playing pool is no different from playing chess, as far as looking at the bigger picture is concerned.

Between turns, pace around the table and allow yourself some breathing time. You can take a look at the entire table, the positioning of each ball, the distance between the balls and pockets, and the opportunities available to your opponent. This practice will help you make neat and clear-cut strikes.

Don’t Try Any Stunts

On television shows, pool games are portrayed as glamorous and flashy, wherein pool players make tricky moves and play shots that are profound, complex, and over the top. If you are playing a serious match of pool, it’s best to play the game authentically. Avoid trying stunts or moves that you have not practiced before or have no experience with.

Remember, there is no need to rush and make hasty moves. Take your time, plan your shot well, forget about the people sitting around, and simply focus on your game.

Practice Makes Progress

Perfection is hard to achieve, and quite honestly, don’t play for perfection. Play to progress, to get better at your own game with each passing day, match, or tournament. The best way to play better is to practice consistently, continually, and sincerely.

Play every day, play with variables, different levels of competition and improve your pool skills. Don’t lose hope at one bad match. Continue to play and set higher expectations of yourself as you grow. Perfection at any sport is an illusion - focus on the real progress you can feel and be proud of.

Think for Your Opponent

Every decision you or your opponent makes in the game will affect the turnout of the match. Each move will determine the course of the game and each player’s next plan of action. In this case, don’t overlook your opponent’s strategy.

A rule to note in every sport is to never underestimate your competition. Before striking the ball, think for your opponent and figure out your opponent’s move if you play a certain shot.

Sinking a ball may often give your opponent a double chance of sinking balls if they’re reasonably good. At the end of the day, you may have to make some small sacrifices to win the game in its entirety.

The Focal Point

From start to finish, the goal of playing a successful game of pool is to have control over your game. From the way you break to the way you pot balls, your game depends entirely on your drive to win and dazzle your audience and opponents.

Your break can determine whether you will win the game and how many moves you can finish your play. Having a fair amount of knowledge in geometry can also help build a winning strategy. Making indirect moves to sink balls is a skill that every professional pool player must possess. However, this naturally takes serious practice to land consistently.

The truth is, whether you are a beginner or a pro, there is always room for improvement. Don’t forget that there is always a lot to learn from each game. 

If you are passionate about playing pool, visit Epic Games Tables for top-quality pool tables and pool gear. For us, fun is a priority, and we urge you to enjoy every game you play, irrespective of the outcome.