How To Build The Perfect Man-Cave— Do’s And Don'ts

How To Build The Perfect Man-Cave— Do’s And Don'ts

How To Build The Perfect Man-Cave— Do’s And Don'ts

The modern man has so many things to worry about— so many that it can get unbearable sometimes. And when it gets so unbearable, we just want to get somewhere where we can just enjoy our hobbies and be at rest. 

And that's precisely what the Man-cave is. Harkening back to the idea of a prehistoric man finding a place to shelter himself from all of life’s tensions, this idea of personal space gained popularity through the last two decades and has become something of a phenomenon amongst men both young and old— especially those with live-in families. 

Everyone needs a little break, after all— and the man-cave is perfect for that.

Building a man-cave is, however, a life investment no man should take lightly. To create the perfect sanctuary for yourself, a bit of foresight, planning, and tasteful choosing goes a long way. 

Here are a few dos-and-don'ts to get you started:

Pick Your Space

Choose a place that’s not been used. A man-cave needs to be spacious enough for you and your friends. After all, you can't always be there alone.  Your space can be anywhere— it doesn't matter. It can be in an empty room/unused room of your house, a garage, a basement, storage room, or a new room altogether. 

Just make sure that wherever you pick is private. You don't want to pick somewhere that isn't private. Do not stuff or congest yourself in a room that is public or open for others to visit frequently.  

Decide What to Do with Your Man-Cave

Before you choose a space for your man-cave or even start setting it up altogether, you need to be sure of what you want to use it for. You can't just set up a man-cave without knowing what you would be doing in there.

Specificity is key here. A small bar, game room, movie room, and so on are a few examples of what your man-cave can be. You have all the choices in the world, and what you choose depends on your interests and priorities when it comes to me-time or shared experiences with your friends.

What you should avoid doing is treating your cave as though it is a normal space for you to continue with your usual chores. The purpose of the cave is to provide additional benefits of living the individual life you wanted to, to feel at home. Do not force the man-cave to turn out to be something you would not relate to.

Here are some of the things your man-cave could be. 


Several men enjoy the idea of having a perfectly crafted drink in solitude— or with a small group of close friends. It's little wonder that a lot of man caves have turned out to be mini-bars

Do not invest in a barroom without the appropriate glassware and bar stools or chairs - this will result in you having to exit and enter the room once again, breaking your sense of immersion. 

Home Theatre

While this can be a fairly expensive investment, this is a great idea if you’re passionate about TV sports, movies, video games, and especially high-quality audio. Depending on your room acoustics, you can plan and set up an excellent space to kick back, relax and enjoy after a hard day’s work.

Remember to set your home theatre budget by your interests. If you like to watch sports with friends, comfortable seating and large screens could be a priority. If you’re into video games, you may want to invest in the best possible gear and even in some merchandise to decorate your cave.


Along with indulging in recreation, every man should take some time for relaxation - and making some space for a personal spa could prove very beneficial. You could reserve some space for a massage table and strive to create a personalized meditation zone - complete with scented candles or anything else that helps you unwind.

Try not to boast much about your creative little spa, though. People will want to crowd it.

Designing Your Man-Cave

Chalk out your man-cave plan onto paper or sketch it out on your device for a clear-cut vision of what you want the space to look and feel like. If you need major reworks, you might want to enlist the help of a professional contractor.

Do not hurry into the process of building a man-cave without a rough idea of how you want it to be. Hasty decisions will not satisfy your dream of innovating a new space for yourself - all the effort will pay off in time.

Furniture Settings

Select the right number of furniture sets that will stylize the room. Maybe a pair of recliners coupled with small freezers would be a good start. Take a look at other man-caves on the internet for inspiration.

Once you have chosen your accessories and pieced them together, do not sacrifice the extra space available with more— a crowded room will come off as claustrophobic. Remember - it’s always easier to add, not to take away.

Lighting Up The Mood

While this depends on personal preference, it’s important to predetermine the kind of lighting your room will need. Generally speaking, you’ll want light fixtures that accentuate key parts of the room, such as a bar. You can even get creative with neon fixtures!

However, don’t take it too far either way. You do not need to live in a dark man-cave that saddens your thoughts— you’re not a literal caveman, after all. On the other hand, do not overwhelm the room with excessive lighting or it’ll be hard for you to relax.

Display Your Interests

Let your interests be displayed front-and-center in your man-cave. Embellish the walls with aesthetic photographs you love, sports posters, or bookcases. You can be as minimalistic or overstated as you like— although it would be prudent to keep a fair mix of interests around so that the room doesn’t become based on only one thing. 

Allow Newness

Show off your individuality with some painted walls and give it some personal touches. Throw in some artistic action figures or bobbleheads you love, if you’re into geek culture. If you’re a bit of an old soul, put up some handwritten letters, poems, or quotes for you to de-stress.

Do not shy away from trying something you’ve always wanted. It is your cave. Only your likes matter. Everything else is irrelevant. 

Work on Your Own

Brainstorm ideas on your own, with the help of a couple of your friends, maybe. This man-cave is solely yours.

While your family should be informed and on board with your decision, do not pander towards all of their suggestions— a man-cave is for you first and for visitors later.

Ultimately, have a blast. Sip on your favorite beverage with your body and mind relaxed. Take pride in your man-cave. If you want to make it happen – start now!