The Differences Between Billiards and Snooker

The Differences Between Billiards and Snooker

The Differences Between Billiards and Snooker


If you've ever seen someone playing billiards or snooker, you might have thought they were the same game. After all, both require players to use a cue stick to hit balls around a table, with the goal of sinking those balls into pockets. However, there are several key differences between these two games that set them apart.

billiard balls and two cue sticks on a pool table

Number of Balls Used
One of the most obvious differences between billiards and snooker is the number of balls used in each game. In billiards, one white cue ball and 15 color-coded numbered balls. In contrast, snooker is played with 22 balls: 15 red balls, six colored balls (yellow, green, brown, blue, pink, black), and one cue ball (white).

Scoring Rules
Another significant difference is how points are scored in each game. In billiards, players earn points by scoring caroms—hitting both the cue ball and the red ball off of any one of the six pockets. Every time a player successfully scores a carom, they earn three points. In snooker, points are earned by potting either red balls or colored balls. Potted red balls are worth one point each, while the colored balls are worth varying amounts depending on their color (yellow = 2 points; green = 3 points; brown = 4 points; blue = 5 points; pink = 6 points; black = 7 points). Players can also score bonus points in snooker by potting the cue ball after hitting another ball first—this is called a cannon and is worth two extra points.

snooker balls and cue sticks on a pool billiard table

Table Size and Ball Size
Finally, another way to tell billiards and snooker apart is by looking at the size of the table and balls used in each game. A standard billiards table is 8 feet long x 4.5 feet wide x 2.5 feet high, while a standard snooker table is 12 feet long x 6 feet wide x 3 feet high. Meanwhile, billiard balls are 2.25 inches in diameter—slightly larger than a tennis ball—while snooker balls are 2 inches in diameter (about the size of a golf ball). These smaller dimensions make it harder for players to pot balls on a snooker table, which adds an extra element of challenge to the game.
two adult friends playing billiard snooker with two cue sticks on a pool table
So there you have it! While billiards and snooker may look similar at first glance, there are actually several key differences between these two classic games. Now that you know more about each one, why not give them both a try? You might just find that you have a favorite after all!

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