Strategies for Winning at Pickleball: Expert Tips and Tricks

Strategies for Winning at Pickleball: Expert Tips and Tricks

So you've recently learned about pickleball and now your competitive streak is gunning for the court. We get it, we've been there, but we also know it can be devastating to rock up and find you're not as good as you thought you were. This is why we checked out a few pickleball tricks before we went back for more, and you should too.

These pickleball tips should give you a head-start if you've all begun playing recently. Like other games for mid-40-year-olds, though, you need to be aware they'll be looking up pickleball advice too. So, read on and we wish you the best of luck!

Decoding the Pickleball Rules

You might have already answered the question, "WTF is pickleball?" but there is still so much to learn. After all, how can you use the rules to your advantage if you don't know them?

Pick up some pickleball expert tips by understanding when your opponent fouls and calling them on it. So what if they don't know that one? A rule's a rule, especially when someone else breaks it.

Mastering the Serve

Try to practice an underhand serve to push your opponent back. This can give you a lot of space to control the court and ensure they are kept off-balance.

While this is a good go-to tactic, don't always rely on it. Mix up long and short serves to stay unpredictable.

Positioning and Movement

Practice stacking and switching. A beginner's guide should be able to tell you what these mean. Then, watch experts to see how they handle the ball moving in any direction at any time.

Reading Your Opponent for Maximum Impact

Observe your opponent's position and try to predict which type of return they are weakest at. Use this to your advantage by ensuring they are always either using that type or return or trying to avoid it.

How to Win Pickleball by Keeping Your Cool

Learn how to stay calm on the pickleball court. While you may need to win, your opponents may not have the same goal, and that's why they may be calmer.

Winning Pickleball via the Soft Shot

Use gentle "dinks" to move your opponent. This can help you control the court by moving the other player out of position. This can then open up areas you can exploit in future returns.

Unbeatable Pickleball Tactics

To summarize a few of the most effective plays:

  • Vary serves to keep your opponent guessing
  • Target your opponent's weaker plays
  • Adapt to different opponents
  • Force the other player to make errors

The Best Equipment for Pickleball Winners

There is only so much a pickleball cheat sheet can do when helping you win social activities in your 40s. We all know you need to invest in plenty of practice, get your family involved, and pick up the best equipment if you want to do this right.

So, it's time to get kitted out. Check out our pickleball shop and find some of the best pickleball items to help you stay at the top of your game.

Let us know in the comments: Have you had a stunning win due to having the right equipment to practice with?